Friday, October 19, 2012

Admiring Jehovah God

I find it fascinating. That after all the things I have suffered and all the things I have done, with Jehovah's help I have been able to forget about them. Barely remembering the bad things that used to torment me, but are there as an example to others. That if you try hard and really ask Jehovah God for help, he will really help you. I had to learn and put it to heart that Jehovah God will always be there for you no matter what. I had to learn to really put trust in him fully and depend on him for anything. That when he extends out his hand to you, he will take you in and safeguard you for all of your life. He will embrace you like a child and take care of your injuries, but only if you just let him. Never be anxious of anything and let him take care of the rest. Doing my best to getting to know him, allows me to get to know him better. 

“And you, Sol′o·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever." - 2 Chronicles 28:9

Remember: “Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to YOU." - Matthew 7:7

'And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I proceeded to say: “Here I am! Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8

And this is a message from Jehovah God, to all of us. 'This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit [yourself], the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.' - Isaiah 48:17,18

 And we must never forget that even Jehovah God himself taught King Nebuchanezzar how to humble himself!  Daniel 4:37 says: “Now I, Neb‧u‧chad‧nez′zar, am praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens, because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate."

What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?

A Paradise scene

What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?

The Bible’s answer

God’s Kingdom will replace all human governments and rule over the entire earth. (Daniel 2:44) Once that happens, God’s Kingdom will . . .
  • Remove the wicked, whose selfishness harms us all. “As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth.”—Proverbs 2:22.
  • End all wars. “[God] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.”—Psalm 46:9.
  • Bring prosperity and security to the earth. “Everyone will live in peace among their own vineyards and fig trees, and no one will make them afraid.”—Micah 4:4Good News Translation.
  • Make the earth into a paradise. “Thirsty deserts will be glad; barren lands will celebrate and blossom with flowers.”—Isaiah 35:1,Contemporary English Version.
  • Provide everyone with meaningful, enjoyable work. “The work of their own hands [God’s] chosen ones will use to the full. They will not toil for nothing.”—Isaiah 65:21-23.
  • Eliminate disease. “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24.
  • Set us free from the aging process. “Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor.”—Job 33:25.
  • Bring the dead back to life. “All those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus’] voice and come out.”—John 5:28, 29.

This is not a work belonging to me. It was published by Jehovah's Witnesses to help meek ones to understand the hidden truth that humans today ignore and avoid taking notice in. To help those who have the desire to learn more about God, to get to know him and also to get to know his only-begotten son Jesus.